In Home Care

FirstatNursingServices4Aging at home

At Firstat Nursing, we firmly believe that aging in the home is the very best option for seniors. In efforts to help more people reach this goal, we employ expertise and skills through every stage of illness. If a loved one needs assistance, dressing, eating or more advanced care, our staff is ready. Professional and caring, we’re here to provide support, guidance and freedom.

Experts confirm the benefits of aging at home. They include:

  • Maintaining physical activity and staying engaged mentally
  • Increased stamina and engagement with hobbies and interests
  • Meaningful family time and strong friendships
  • Active in the community
  • A happy, fulfilling life
  • Staying mentally alert and focused

When family members are looking for in home care for a loved one, Firstat offers the following: 

  • Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care
  • Diabetes and injections
  • Chronic or Progressive illness
  • Post-Surgery Recovery
  • End-of-Life Care
  • Ventilator Patients
  • Catheter Care
  • Quadriplegics
  • Paraplegics
  • Special Needs Children
  • Continuity of Care between patient, family and physician

Firstat also provides a wide range of other service options including:

  • Hourly Care (4 to 24 hours per day)
  • Meal Preparation
  • Bathing Service
  • All Activities of Daily Living
  • Transportation and Assistance to Medical Appointment
  • Medication Setup and Reminders
  • Wound Care